My library: a space of learning and discussion about the European Union
01.12.2023 - 30.06.2024
project targeted at
Local community
The aim of the project was to support residents in municipalities with up to 50,000 inhabitants in conscious participation in European public affairs, and also to promote libraries as places for information and discussion about the European Union.
As part of the project, librarians organised meetings with experts on European matters and, together with residents, encouraged reflection and reminiscence around the changes that have occurred over the 20 years of Poland's membership of the European Union.
As part of the project, librarians organised meetings with experts on European matters and, together with residents, encouraged reflection and reminiscence around the changes that have occurred over the 20 years of Poland's membership of the European Union.

Project results
- In 12 libraries we organised European reading corners with books, games and brochures on the EU.
- A total of 35 meetings were held in the libraries, to which we invited residents, and we talked, among other things, about the tasks of the EU institutions, the elections to the European Parliament, disinformation and security, and women's rights. The meetings were also a great opportunity to review and look at what has changed in Poland and in specific localities over the period of Poland's membership of the EU.
- The libraries also expanded their programme activities to include library lessons for pupils on up-to-date and reliable sources of information about the European Union.
Impact of the project
who have participated in the project
dedicated to current european affairs
young people
who took part in 12 library lessons about the EU
'European reading corners' created by libraries
Meetings for residents
As part of the project, open meetings were held in libraries for residents on important European topics concerning security, career and development opportunities as well as the European Parliament elections.