Support us financially
Civic education is the heart of democracy - without it, people do not know their rights, do not understand how to get involved in democratic processes (elections, consultations, etc.) and are not able to act constructively for the community.
In Poland, education for democracy is still lacking in schools, and many adults also have no knowledge of how to participate in democratic processes.
With your support, we will be able to carry out our mission more effectively and offer more people engaging, attractive, practical civic education.
In Poland, education for democracy is still lacking in schools, and many adults also have no knowledge of how to participate in democratic processes.
With your support, we will be able to carry out our mission more effectively and offer more people engaging, attractive, practical civic education.
How can you support us?
Support our activities by making a donation to the foundation's statutory objectives.
You can make a donation to the account number:
21 1140 2017 0000 4602 1068 3268
Transfer details:
Civis Polonus Foundation
Bagatela 10, 34a & 47
00-585 Warsaw
You can make a donation to the account number:
21 1140 2017 0000 4602 1068 3268
Transfer details:
Civis Polonus Foundation
Bagatela 10, 34a & 47
00-585 Warsaw